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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Esther writes, "We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Here we were, volunteering to help our own people during a Mercy Ships medical screening. We wondered if these white people were really real.

We watched in dismay as an ever growing line of deformed souls and faces made their way towards the screening site; a place where they clearly hoped to find a safe haven, a transformed being, a new identity, a new life. These people have been abandoned by an entire nation whose values seem superficial, who appear to seek identity in physical beauty and purpose in achievement. The joy of living has been taken from their souls. They have no hope of attaining acceptance in the eyes of many. "


We live in a country where love and respect is seen as a hindrance to a patient’s speedy recovery. It saddens us to think of the numerous nurses and doctors in our country on strike due to a lack of sufficient pay. They seem unperturbed by the results their actions have caused, leaving so many lives hanging in the balance.

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