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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Summer was here - Yesterday - for most of the day!

The British folks here tell us that summer comes for one day a year! Well...I must say that had to be yesterday! The weather was beautiful for most of the day! It was the first day we didn't have to wear a jacket in the middle of the day! Rob had on a short sleeve shirt and it was in the low 70's....just beautiful! Here's the official recap from the BBC:

"It was a dry day with sunny skies. Some patchy cloud did develop and high cloud made the sunshine hazy at times.... However,generally it was very warm or hot across the UK."

We went out walking about getting acquainted with living in a new location in Hebburn. We walked over and found the Gateway, a local Christian coffee shop. We also walked back over where near where we were living before in Jarrow and walked around the Viking Centre. We came across an outdoor display of "Country Line Dancing!" We could hardly believe it! The British people do have a fasination with anything "Western" or "Texan." We've included a couple short clips of the line dancing! Enjoy!!!

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