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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Great fun to watch the waves breaking on the bow

Originally uploaded by MercyWatch.

Many of the crew on the Africa Mercy enjoy watching the ship plow through the water. Even small waves are spectacular and if the ship hits the wave just right the water flys up the bow and even splashes up on the windows that we are looking out on Deck 6. Most of the time when the waves are less than about 6 or 8 feet, the ship is very stable and still inside.

Occasionally a wave hits just right and the ship rolls from side to side. The last couple days as we went across the Bay of Biscay, the ship rolled quite a lot and we had a head wind of Gale Force 10 with seas of 12-14 feet and up to 16-18 feet. Quite a ride!

Those on the crew that wanted to see how the ship did through rough seas...found out!

The picture above is of Rob sitting looking out the starboard windows of the International Lounge and the picture to the right is of Nancy and Gordi Friebel watching over the bow from Deck 6. It is just beautiful to watch out over the water!

1 comment:

shimmering said...

Hi Rob and Denise. My wife and I spent some time on Africa Mercy in October 2005 helping the bosun to seal the lounge windows. It is reassuring to see that they are keeping out the heavy seas encountered across the Bay of Biscay.
At least we hope they are!

Tony and Teresa Crowley