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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hello! We're back!

We haven't posted in several years and are now coming back to this blog to share our thoughts and experiences with those of you who choose to read this blog.  We enjoyed our time and experiences with Mercy Ships from 2002 - 2011.  What a privilege to serve God with Mercy Ships.

Currently, we are caregiving for Denise's dad, serving our church and our community here in the Washington DC area for God's glory.  We, also, still share about what's going on with Mercy Ships by speaking when we can to various organizations and any opportunity given.  

We were challenged by a class we are taking on sharing your faith through social media to start a blog.  Since we already have a blog, we decided to continue sharing our experiences and faith stories as an online journal.  We will keep our blog content from our time with Mercy Ships as we still refer back to it from time to time for encouragement.  We will just start again now with sharing what is happening in our lives by serving God through caregiving, relationships, and serving Him in our community.

We hope to share prayer points, experiences and other content that will be encouraging to our faith and yours. Please join us in this journey of faith by commenting and sharing with us your stories, too!

We are looking forward to see what God is doing and how we can bring Him the glory!

God's abundant blessings,
Denise and Rob